
Posts Tagged ‘Teacher’

From the Front Porch: “I Am a Teacher”

February 7, 2012 Leave a comment

Phila. Teachers on Capitol Steps, Wash., D.C.,...

Phila. Teachers on Capitol Steps, Wash., D.C., 5/13/11 (LOC) (Photo credit: The Library of Congress)

I love this poem written by a teacher because it says so much about this wonderful profession that people often take for granted. Yes, I’m a teacher, and proud of it, not only because it’s what I do to make a living but also because it’s what God has called me to do with my life.  I hope you are energized by the poem’s passion for teaching excellence. In order to give proper attribute, I got the poem from  It’s called “A Teacher’s Creed”:


A Teacher’s Creed

I believe I have been called by God to teach.
I believe in children…young and old…black and white…rich and poor….each in need of learning.
I believe in blackboards, chalk dust, textbooks, and computers for each has a part in imparting knowledge.
I believe the love I give to my students will someday be reflected in their lives.
I believe the gift of teaching is not measured simply by marks, enrollment, or the end of the school year.
It is in the witness I give and the fullness of the life lived by those I teach.
I believe I have the power to lead those in need of learning to the threshold of their own minds.
I believe in my giftedness to use each of the tools available no matter how new or old..for the light of knowledge in the eyes of another is my goal.
I believe teaching is more than tests, diplomas, paperwork, and fundraising.
It is the values I breathe daily into another…slowly.
It is in the faith I share in Jesus…ever changing and growing…never ending.
I believe my success today goes unnoticed…until those i teach and touch can stand alone and say “in my life I have learned…”
I believe if I have taught and touched one person…in God’s name…I have used my gift to me justly..and can humbly say…
I believe in teaching….

Thanks to Julie McClellan